Why Pick on Phil Vischer?

Before I release another post refuting some of Phil Vischer’s claims, I wanted to clear some things up. I’m not a theologian. I don’t have any sort of Bible degree. I don’t work in the Christian entertainment industry. I make no pretense about this. I have a degree in Political Science. I majored specifically in “Law and Politics” and minored in History. When I went to college, it was tricky knowing how to engage my Christian friends, who often didn’t have a good understanding of things like politics, the criminal justice system, and American History. On these topics, I honestly found it easier to basically live in two different worlds. I talked to my political friends (some were Christians) about politics, and my Christian friends about Bible study. The irony is that my faith (in the God of the Bible) was the foundation for my political beliefs. Because of this, I’ve never been afraid to question the validity of my own party’s stances or tactics. My political friends never seemed to have a problem with this. It was my Christian friends who knew little about politics (some DID know about politics) who were more likely to latch on to ideas they didn’t quite understand and run with them into a non-biblical position.

I have cared deeply about the history of African-Americans in our country since I was a kid. I know this sounds like an exaggeration, but some of my earliest memories are of the time when my dad was co-pastor of a multi-ethnic church congregation on a farm worked by migrant workers, mainly from Haiti and Mexico. Because of this, I have always been sensitive to racial difference and racial issues. The topics Phil Vischer talks about are not new to me, which is why I could spot his inaccuracies right away, They are not new to me because I care about them. I would have loved for him to make that video accurately. Why? Because when you present falsehood instead of truth on an important issue, you diminish the truth and lose credibility. You turn people away who might otherwise have taken you (and mainly these issues) seriously. You don’t have to exaggerate these issues for people to be affected by them. These things are grievous. But many of them are also examples of how God has already restored justice. Others are examples where He is continuing to do that today. Phil Vischer’s video leaves no room for God’s work throughout time protecting his beloved African-American children and giving them hope, endurance, and love. It leaves no room for those who fought hard and rose above. It leaves no room for the many white people who also fought for them. It also just gets a lot of things flat out wrong.

Over the past couple years I’ve gone on an interesting journey. I wrote a book for my kids about my hometown. Then I decided to join a writing group to see if I could make it into a “real book.” Since then I’ve written two others. It has been interesting learning about the publishing process. Quite honestly, I can probably give up on that after being willing to make these political posts, but I would much rather speak truth than have a career as a writer. I do think it’s worth explaining what I’ve learned about how media works these days.

In order to publish your work in the current climate, you are very much encouraged (often required) to have a large social media platform. This makes sense, because publishers don’t want to waste their time promoting the book of some unknown person when they could easily sell boatloads of copies by someone who is already an internet sensation or a TV celebrity. The pressure to get “likes” and “subscribers” is immense for anyone who sells any kind of media. Websites are also monetized (Not mine. I’m actually paying for this), meaning that the creator gets paid based on the activity of people who come to their website. Getting people to your site is your ultimate goal. Anyone who has a platform these days can publish a book or make a viral video and say whatever they want, truthful or not. The only thing that really seems to matter is sales and clicks. I watched Phil Vischer’s follow-up Podcast on “Lessons From Phil’s Viral Video on Racism.” I was hoping he would bring clarity to some of his positions or talk about how God had used it. Instead, it was basically an entire Podcast about his internet traffic, how to strategically get people to click and re-post, and how awesome he is. There was little mention of God at all, which is odd to me for someone who publishes his content on a website called “Holy Post.” But what do I know, I’m just a secular political thinker. I’ve included that Podcast below and I’d encourage you to listen to it in its entirety.

When I started writing these posts, I wanted to engage with people about the issues I held dear, which are consequently front and center on the world stage right now. I saw so many misconceptions among my friends and family and I wanted to bring some clarity with the things I’ve learned over my fifteen years of study (beginning in college). I wanted to build bridges of understanding and help people see that things don’t have to always be either/or. In comes Phil Vischer’s video. It made me angry. It made me angry. It made me angry because he made a farce of all of the things I wish people understood more. But if they are told that only certain sources are “true,” they have no basis for real study. I encourage people to read ALL THE SOURCES THEY CAN GET THEIR HANDS ON and think through the issues (Biblically if they are a Christian). To me, he is lighting a fire of anger, guilt, and misunderstanding in those who are sympathetic to him, and anger and callousness for those who are not. This is the opposite of being a peacemaker. I can only hope that people who are interested will actually do real research on these issues.

Phil Vischer’s brother is the dean of the University of St. Thomas School of Law. I heard Phil Vischer say that his brother had taught a class on all this. That leaves me wondering if Phil took some general ideas and passion away without having a real understanding of how to present them factually to others. Perhaps his brother would back him up on this video, or perhaps he would have a more accurate presentation to give. I don’t know, but I fear this is the case where an eager animator stepped out of his lane in a harmful way.

The verses below are a good guide for all of us in this area. I, in particular, need to be careful not to sin in my anger. I encourage you to hold me accountable in that.

Ephesians 4: 25 - 32

“Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.

Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger and give no opportunity to the devil. Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouth but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”


Phil Vischer, Jim Crow, and the KKK


Millennials and Capitalism